The Social Web

It’s surprisingly hard to find a social home on the web today. Maybe it’s never been harder. Despite all the choices out there now, all the different platforms, it feels like every platform is just a shithole full of too-online cultural zealots.

I grew up online and it informed a lot about who I am today. Before I even knew about the web, I was trying to dial into BBSes to send messages. Once I was hooked up to the Information Superhighway, I spent entirely too much time on IRC and in forums, but it was there I learned how to behave properly online. The hard way.

I’ve been using Matrix since 2019 and have helped to build some really wonderful communities there and made real, earnest friends that I even see in the meatspace. Unfortunately, Matrix as a social platform appears to be dying, and my communities are already showing signs of decline. I’m nowhere near ready to give up, but I will admit that I have spent more time than I should looking desperately for an alternative. Discord and Telegram are obvious replacements, but both of those platforms are awful and extractive. That leaves me scratching my head as to where I go next. One thing’s for certain, it won’t be Mastodon. Or Pixelfed. Or Loops (ugh).

I will say, I have made a little web presence here @manton’s and it’s much more compelling than I expected. It’s a very interesting concept and I’m really interested to see if I can revive some of the passion I had for writing when I was in my teens.

While you’re here, why not join some great Matrix communities?